Olivier Latry interview
Olivier Latry at the organ at the Cathedral of Notre Dame

Organiste titulaire du grand-orgue de Notre-Dame de Paris
拉特利 Olivier LATRY

Olivier Latry was born in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France on February 22, 1962 and is a French organist, improviser and Professor of Organ in theConservatoire de Paris. After having begun his musical studies in Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1978 he enrolled in the organ class under Gaston Litaizeat the Academy of Saint-Maur, and took composition classes with Jean-Claude Raynaud at the Paris Academy. After becoming Professor of organ in the Catholic Institute of Paris in 1983 and subsequently at the Academy of Rheims, he succeeded Gaston Litaize at the Academy of Saint-Maur in 1990. In 1995, Latry was named professor of organ in the Academy of Paris, a post held jointly with Michel Bouvard.

In 1985, at 23 years of age, Latry was awarded the post of one of four titulaires des grands orgue of Notre-Dame, Paris alongside Yves Devernay, Philippe Lefèbvre and Jean-Pierre Leguay, following the death of Pierre Cochereau.
In addition to this role and his teaching positions, Latry carries out an active career as concert performer: he has played in over forty countries across five continents, in particular in the United States, where he made his first tour in 1986, becoming one of the most popular French organists in that country.

Latry did not want to specialize in music of a specific time period, but has gained a reputation for performing music by his contemporaries. He is renowned for his performances of the works of Olivier Messiaen and has recorded the complete works of Messiaen for Deutsche Grammophon. Latry is also considered to be a distinguished improviser, in the tradition of an exceptional French line that runs from Charles Tournemire through to Pierre Cochereau.

法國管風琴家拉特利被譽為世界首屈一指的管風琴巨匠,他於1981至 1985年間於莫城大教堂當管風琴手。拉特利23歲時已成為巴黎聖母院管風琴家,並於1990年繼承了老師李泰斯(Gaston Litaize)的衣缽,在聖摩的福斯音樂學院當管風琴教授,及後於1995年任教巴黎音樂學院。

拉特利被稱為現今最權威的管風琴家,曾於超過60個國家演出。他在美國更成為最受歡迎的法國管風琴家,他演繹的梅湘作品獲高度好評,更灌錄了全套梅湘作品。除多次於巴黎聖母院錄製聖母院所發行的管風琴音樂專輯之外,近年更於Deutsche Grammophon發行了梅湘作品全集以及錄製Midnight at Notre-Dame獨奏專輯另外並與費城管弦樂團以及艾森巴赫灌錄聖桑管風琴協奏曲,近年來更成為世界各大樂團演出法國作曲家聖桑第三號交響曲「管風琴」競相邀請之管風琴協演音樂家,最近最受矚目演出為2008年倫敦BBC逍遙音樂節當中由鄭明勳指揮法國國家廣播交響樂團所演出的聖桑第三號交響曲「管風琴」版本。


Photo by Hsin Stephen Chou
巴黎聖母院的首席管風琴獨奏家-Olivier LATRY大師2011亞洲巡迴的台北站將帶領台灣的聽眾進入聖母院殿堂中難得一聞的經典管風琴作品,相信即使到過巴黎聖母院的台灣遊客們也很少有機會可以再院內聆聽到經典的管風琴作品,也讓從沒到過巴黎聖母院的台灣愛樂者可以一賭聖母院首席管風琴來自巴黎聖母院-最接近天堂的聲音!

本次演出曲目除了大家耳熟能詳的巴哈觸技曲與賦格之外,Olivier Latry更將與巴黎聖母院有著悠久傳統歷史的法國作曲家法朗克管風琴作品一次完整呈現在台灣樂迷的面前,節目最後Olivier LATRY並依照巴黎聖母院週末舉行彌撒最後的習慣,即興演出一段最後結尾終曲獨獻給台灣的愛樂者。

● Johann-Sebastian BACH (1685 – 1750) : Toccata et fugue en Ré mineur BWV 565
César FRANCK (1822 – 1890) : Prélude, fugue et variation (Video)
Charles-Marie WIDOR (1844 – 1937) : Allegro, extrait de la 6ème Symphonie (Video)
Louis VIERNE (1870 – 1937) : Carillon de Westminster (Video)
● Jehan ALAIN (1911 – 1940) : Litanies
● Jean LANGLAIS (1907 – 1991) : Cantilène
● Gaston LITAIZE (1909 – 1991) : Scherzo
● Marcel DUPRÉ (1886 – 1971) : Prélude et fugue en sol mineur op. 7
● Olivier LATRY (né en 1962) : Improvisation
